Motivation being totally lacking the last couple of months I have neglected the physical blog. I blog a lot in my head as I am trying to motivate myself to get out of bed and actually doing something productive. Still lacking motivation, but more willing to try. Ages and three teaching positions ago, our principal sent us on a retreat and the highly overpaid presenter talked about never using the word "try." He said we should just get up and do. I have heard this advice a lot over the ensuing years. I have been able to grasp the do from time to time, but since not being renewed my anxiety level has increased. I still believe that the lock down and pandemic only exacerbated my crowd anxiety. I wish I had been able to embrace the online school vibe, but for some reason I could not. I also still hate Economics and think it should be Personal Finance and taught by Math teachers, because at some point they loved numbers. I do not love numbers. I find some aspects of Economics interesting, mostly the Civics and History aspects. And I have to say that teaching it did enlighten me to how stupid/ignorant some politicians, who will remain nameless, are.
When I was a Senior in high school, '74-'75 North Salem graduate here, we had a class named Modern Problems. This class was basically a Personal Finance with Careers and other stuff I forget. Knowing how to balance a checkbook, electronic though most of them are now, is still important. Checking charges to your account being one of the most important. How else could you discover that someone charged German porn to your card while you were shopping with your oldest grandson at Columbia Center Mall. Shoot I have not been there since way before COVID.
Tomorrow all mask mandates in Oregon are rescinded. I will still wear mask. I am vaccinated and boosted, but I am still concerned about getting sick. Fact is, one week after my booster I was sick. sick, sick for about ten days and I am still overly tired. I was not so sick I needed a doctor, but sick enough to lay in bed for two days, while spicing that up with one or two walksies with Boudica. Boudica was a real trooper and did try to use the puppy pads, I think. Sometimes I think she just avoids them altogether. Of course, over here in Trumpland people have been shopping and going out without masks more often than not. That ignorant convoy drove down 84 the other day, to cheers from the ignorant here in Hermiston. By the time that convoy was organized, the announcement about the mask mandates had already come out so the "Freedom Convoy" shifted to other things which I paid no attention to. In a sort of Karma smack, because of that idiot Putin gas prices surged at about the same time, so they were paying upwards of $5 a gallon for gas/diesel.
My favorite sushi place closed, I am hoping for a remodel rather for good. The other sushi place is more expensive, though just as good. Great now I am hungry for sushi, sigh. They stay take out only until they closed, so maybe... nope I can't think it... they will open again. Kobi Hibachi Sushi, Hermiston is their name. They will reopen, they must reopen.
Found a stink bug in my BBQ today. It was dead. Poor stink bug. Thankfully, no other dead creatures found. Along with cleaning my carpet, I must also clean my BBQ. I suck as housekeeper, so applying for such jobs at local hotels and motels isn't an option. Speaking of job options, I'm not sure what I am good at other than creating curriculum. I suppose tutoring, but only in Social Studies and Language Arts. Also tutoring can pay well, but isn't likely a supporter of any lifestyle.
That's it for now. Hopefully back later with some of my ephemeral blog.