Approximately two months ago I get a call from my Principal to stop in before I leave for the day. Just like when I was a kid, which I was never called to the Principal's office, I had a fear of the office. Even as a teacher I still slip into near panic-mode. I go to the meeting and I am told my professional life will be changing next school year. I will now be teaching Civics and Econ. In the high school community teaching seniors is a big deal, a reward, for good teaching. So I don't see it as a reward.
My entire teaching career has been with at-risk youth, my calling so to speak.
Now I will be teaching in a "real" classroom with "regular" students. Something I have never done, except as a substitute back in the 90's. Yep the 90's. I am still scared shitless, in fact my entire life since then has been a wreck. It didn't help that I had to have my handsome man Mighty Mouse put to sleep on June 4th.
Two decisions are now making nearly impossible for me to move on with my professional life, that being two wonderful American History grad classes that I am nearly a month behind in. Do I contact my professors and see if I can recover and pass the classes or do I do as often do and just give the fuck up? I am running out of time, but I am still ambivalent.
Today, if he wakes the fuck up early enough, I will be going to some kind of lantern festival in Boise. A road trip that could be leisurely if Greg wakes the fuck up. I love leisurely drives. I am hoping the trip away from Hermiston will reignite me and I will get the job done of catching up.
So I sit here writing in my lame blog instead of working on the 6 papers that I should be writing.